Using the cPanel MultiPHP Manager

MultiPHP Manager is a powerful tool within cPanel that allows you to manage PHP versions across your domains. It is particularly useful for environments not using CloudLinux OS, or for add-on domains and sub-domains that need to run a different PHP version.

In your cPanel control panel you can manage the PHP settings for your website, including the PHP version, PHP extensions, and custom PHP variables like memory_limit and max_input_vars.
Many known PHP settings can be managed via the cPanel control panel on the "Select PHP Version" page, without the need to manually create a php.ini configuration file.


Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Navigate to MultiPHP Manager:

    • Find and click on the "MultiPHP Manager" icon under the "Software" section:

  2. Select the Domain:

    • You will see a list of your domains. Select the checkbox next to the domain(s) for which you want to change the PHP version.
  3. Choose the PHP Version:

    • From the drop-down menu at the top right corner labeled "PHP Version", select the desired PHP version.
    • If you select "inherit" as the PHP version, the default PHP version mentioned under "System PHP Version" will apply.
      • Please Note: If you have selected a different PHP version under the "Select PHP Version" page, that version will apply instead for all domains that have "inherit" selected.
  4. Apply the PHP Version:

    • Click the "Apply" button to set the chosen PHP version for the selected domain(s):

  5. Recommended: Repair the MySQL Database:

    • Different PHP versions work in conjunction with different MySQL database drivers. If your website is displaying a 404 error or content is missing, please repair the MySQL database.
    • Repairing the database will only take a moment, does not require advanced technical knowledge, and should normally not harm your website in any way.
    • Here's how you can repair MySQL databases: Repairing MySQL Databases in cPanel
  6. Verify the Changes:

    • It’s a good practice to verify the PHP version change by trying to access your website.
    • If you notice any errors, such as "500 Internal Server Error", please refer to this guide: Troubleshooting a broken website after switching PHP version
    • You can create a phpinfo.php file temporarily containing <?php phpinfo(); ?> in the root directory of your domain and access it via your web browser. This will display the current PHP version and configuration details.
    • If you encounter any issues, please revert back to the old PHP version and settings. Should the issue persist, please contact our support team for assistance.


Additional Tips:

  1. Check for Underlying Issues: If database corruption is a recurring problem, investigate the root cause, such as a PHP extension mismatch, resource usage overuse, software conflicts, faulty updates, or server-related issues.

  2. Consider Professional Assistance: If you are uncomfortable performing database repairs or if issues persist, consider seeking assistance from your developer, a professional database administrator or our technical support team.

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